Denise Goldberg's blog

A return to death
To the lowest place in North America

Monday, November 24, 2008

Captured by... camera-happy Denise!

Denise asked me to let you know that while this journal contains a sampling of her photos, there are many more in her photo galleries.

You can send your eyes to the full set of galleries to see some of the images that jumped into her camera during our wanderings. And while you're there...
You can view the photos splashed across your whole screen if you'd like - just click the slideshow button in the upper right of the photo gallery window. (If you're in the gallery slideshow, you can get control of your computer back again by moving the mouse and clicking "return to gallery" or by just clicking the Esc key.)
To enter the top level of Denise's galleries for this trip, click A return to death. Once you're there, you will be able to choose from six photo galleries. Or you can jump right into a specific gallery:

Where next?

Go back to Brrr! A contrast in temperatures, or jump forward to Memories in patterned words.